Best Dating Sites for Over 40

Best Dating Sites for Over 40

They say life begins at 40 but can that include the love life? London’s top dating photographer tests out the best.

Since our dating photoshoots appeal to such a broad age range (18-60yrs) it’s easy for us to notice the different things that people look for based on their age.

The experience and wisdom that comes with being in your ‘middles’ can also sharpen our red flag radar and help us hone in on the things we know we want.

Mega popular dating apps like Bumble and Hinge are surging in popularity but they don’t have a specific focus on the higher age groups. This is why we have sought out the 3 best apps for singles that are aged 40 and above.

Is it hard to date in your 40s?

The fast answer is yes. You’re smarter, battle hardened and you’re far more attuned to the things you don’t want. So you may naturally have to do more filtering and more saying no to the wrong types of people.

This might make your dating journey longer and less tolerable with far more patience required, but the reward is this could be the last big search before finding your strongest connection.

Learn to be a bit selfish

That scattergun approach to dating that you had when you were younger has had its day. Time to look for those keepers. Your time is precious and we don’t want to wither away some of our best years kissing more frogs.

Be selfish, careful, self aware and change the ‘lets swipe right on everyone and see what sticks’ plan to something more intentional.

Below we have outlined some of the best dating apps and sites for over 40s. Test, retest and play around with all of them until you find one that suits you best.

Best Dating Sites for Over 40

Our best free dating sites for over 40 were selected based on a few key determining factors like ease of sign up, online and offline reputation, longevity and ongoing ease of use.

1. eHarmony

eHarmony Dating

eHarmony has made our number one spot because it has always leaned into its commitment to finding love among the more mature crowds. With its additional focus on long term connections this platform has grown and remained extremely popular.

eHarmony’s good bits

  • eHarmony's in-depth personality test and matching algorithm prioritise compatibility, ensuring more meaningful and lasting connections.

  • The platform attracts users seeking long-term relationships, aligning well with the goals of individuals in their 40s who are often looking for commitment.

  • eHarmony boasts a substantial number of success stories, showcasing its effectiveness in bringing together couples for lasting relationships.

eHarmony’s bad bits

  • The platform's emphasis on compatibility sometimes results in limited user control over search criteria, which may be a drawback for those who prefer more autonomy.


In our full review of we detailed how it seems to be making a comeback. Once considered a king in the dating space, Match has never fallen too far from the throne in terms of its numbers.’s good bits

  • boasts a large and diverse user base, providing a wide pool of potential matches for individuals in their 40s seeking varied connections.

  • The platform offers offline events and activities, providing opportunities for singles to meet and connect beyond the virtual space.

  • encourages users to create detailed profiles, enabling more comprehensive insights into potential matches beyond just photos.’s bad bits

  • The vast number of profiles on can be overwhelming, and some users may find it challenging to navigate through such a large pool of potential matches.

  • Certain communication features, such as messaging, may be limited for free users, necessitating a subscription for more interactive communication.

  • While many users are seeking serious relationships,'s inclusive nature may attract individuals looking for more casual connections, which might not align with everyone's goals.

3. Elite Singles

The focus here is on more mature and accomplished professionals.

Elite Singles good bits

  • EliteSingles caters to professionals, emphasising compatibility based on education and career backgrounds, making it suitable for individuals in their 40s and above.

  • The platform utilises a detailed personality test to enhance matchmaking accuracy, ensuring that users are connected based on deeper compatibility factors.

  • EliteSingles prioritises user security and privacy, providing a safe and secure environment for individuals who value discretion.

Elite Singles bad bits

  • EliteSingles' premium features come with a higher price tag, which might be a drawback for those looking for more budget-friendly options.

  • While focused on quality matches, the platform may have a smaller user base compared to more mainstream dating sites, potentially limiting the pool of potential matches.

  • Similar to eHarmony, EliteSingles places emphasis on its matchmaking algorithm, limiting user control over search criteria compared to platforms with more flexible search options.

What is the best dating app for men over 40?

Determining the "best" dating app can be subjective and depends on individual preferences. However, several dating apps are known to be popular among men over 40 due to their features, user base, and success stories. If you really want to narrow things down then we would say start with eHarmony.

What is the best dating app for women over 40?

For women there are many options for mature dating but since there is a stronger focus on security we would start with Elite Singles and go on to test all of the above to really filter down and discover what you like most.

Best dating sites for over 50

In the UK, several dating sites cater specifically to individuals over 50, providing a platform for mature singles to connect and build relationships. Two of the best dating sites for people over 50 in the UK are eHarmony and OurTime. Both worthy of a test run.


Balancing career stability, life goals, and the desire for genuine connections, individuals over 40 seek platforms that understand and cater to their unique needs.

Choosing the best dating site depends on individual preferences, relationship goals, and the overall vibe of the platform. It's recommended to explore different options, read user reviews, and consider the features that align with personal preferences before making a decision.

Happy dating!

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