3 Ways eHarmony beats its competition

eHarmony dating

eHarmony Review 2024

eHarmony currently ranks highest on our list of best dating sites for over 40. This dating platform prides itself on fostering compatibility and meaningful connections. This makes it a perfect platform for those seeking long-term relationships. 

It’s also been a great platform for showcasing some of the stunning dating profile portraiture we produce for our clients.

Here are three of the unique attributes eHarmony has over competition like Tinder and Bumble, some of which may have been overlooked by the dating world.

eHarmony dating app review 2024

1. Guaranteed Matches or Money Back (on some plans)

While finding love can't be absolutely guaranteed, eHarmony offers a unique confidence booster with their money-back guarantee on specific subscription plans. 

This means if you haven't found any matches within a set timeframe (be sure to check the exact terms for your chosen plan), you might be eligible for a refund. 

This guarantee demonstrates eHarmony's commitment to connecting you with compatible matches and shows they actually believe in their matchmaking process.

2. Founder Focus on Compatibility, not just Attraction

eHarmony stands out from the crowd with its focus on deep compatibility rather than just physical attraction. This stems from the vision of its founder, psychologist Neil Clark Warren.

Dr. Warren believed that lasting love goes beyond looks and requires a strong foundation of shared values, communication styles, and emotional needs. 

This philosophy is reflected in eHarmony's core features, making it ideal for those seeking a serious relationship built on a solid foundation.

3. Detailed Compatibility Quiz

eHarmony further prioritises compatibility with their in-depth Compatibility Quiz. This comprehensive questionnaire goes beyond basic questions and delves into your values, communication styles, and emotional needs. 

By analysing your responses and those of potential partners, eHarmony's algorithm creates a compatibility score that helps you connect with users who share similar life goals and outlooks.  

This focus on understanding what truly matters in a lasting relationship sets eHarmony apart from dating apps centred on quick connections.

mature dating

Does anyone still use eHarmony?

Hell yes. eHarmony boasts over 4.5 million members in the UK (part of a global 60 million user base) They have frequent trial periods and offers so it's fairly easy to jump on board and get swiping. 

Why do so many eHarmony profiles have no pictures?

There are a few reasons why you might encounter profiles without pictures on eHarmony:

  • Privacy Concerns - Some users might be hesitant to put their photos online due to privacy concerns. This could be especially true for those who are more private or cautious about online dating.

  • Incomplete Profiles - Sometimes, users create profiles but haven't gotten around to adding photos yet. They might be busy setting up their profile or unsure about which pictures to use.

  • Unflattering Photos - Let's be honest, not everyone feels confident about their online dating photos. Some users might have photos they're not happy with and are holding off until they find the perfect ones.

Here's where professional dating profile photography can make a big difference!

Having high-quality photos is crucial for getting noticed on eHarmony. Professional photographers know how to capture your best angles, showcase your personality, and create visuals that attract compatible matches. Get in touch today to plan your shoot.

Happy dating.

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