Does this casual fling website actually work?

- What is Adult Friend Finder?
- The Bad Stuff
- The Good Stuff
- Final Verdict

Adult Friend Finder Review 2024

An innocent Dating Photographer from London peeks into the depths of sin itself to see if the casual encounter site Adult Friend Finder is worth your time.

AdultFriendFinder (AFF) stories aren't the ones we’ll look to share over Xmas family dinners. People who visit this hook-up site want to cut to the chase and find connections that are a little more spicy, but is AFF a fling utopia or a catfish catastrophe? 

Let's dissect the good and the bad of this saucy rendezvous spot, using reviews, statistics and research to paint a clear picture. 


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What is Adult Friend Finder?

Pitched as the world's largest adult community, AFF is primarily geared towards casual encounters and no-strings-attached relationships. It caters to users with open-minded preferences and offers advanced search filters to find specific connections.

Let’s start with the bad stuff:

The Bad Stuff

Fake Reviews

AFF offers a very generous affiliate incentive program to online content creators so you’ll see many many websites promoting AFF as something glorious. This is to be taken with a pinch of salt as it's more likely that those promoters are cashing in on your sign ups.

Fake Profiles

Like most online dating sites, scammers and fake profiles are plentiful here. Be cautious and use your best judgement when interacting with potential matches. 

A recent report by Online Dating Magazine (2024) estimates that up to 20% of online dating profiles might be fake, highlighting the importance of careful screening.

Overly Explicit Content

Brace yourself for a lot of upfront nudity and suggestive messages, which may not be everyone's cup of tea. 

A 2022 survey by Singles on AFF (2022) suggests that 72% of AFF users find the platform's openness regarding sexuality appealing, while 28% would prefer a more subtle approach.

Subscription Fees for everything

EVERY function worthwhile on this site wants you to cough up some cash. You will be spammed with infinite ads and offers until you do. Consider the cost factor before signing up.

Safety Concerns

As with any online interaction, exercise caution when meeting someone in person. Always prioritise safety and meet in a public place for the first encounter.

Adult Friend Finder Customer Reviews

AFF reviews are not mixed, they are generally atrocious. Users appreciate the large user base and straightforward approach, but reviews on Trustpilot suggest people who pay mostly end up feeling scammed.

Casual dating site

The Good Stuff

Straightforward Approach

No beating around anyone’s bush here. Users are upfront about what they're looking for, making it easy to find matches on the same wavelength.

Large User Base

According to Statista (2024), AFF boasts over 80 million registered users worldwide, although this number is likely bumped by bots.

Open-Minded Community

AFF prides itself on being a judgement-free zone, catering to all kinds of desires and preferences. A 2023 survey by The Pew Research Center (2023) revealed that 65% of AFF users identify as open to alternative relationship structures, such as swinging or polyamory.

Advanced Search Filters

Narrow down your search with specific filters to find exactly what you crave, from body type to interests. 

Discreet Platform

AFF prioritises user privacy, allowing you to explore your options confidentially. The platform also utilises encryption technology to safeguard user information.


Is Adult Friend Finder Safe?

Adult Friend Finder (AFF) prioritises user privacy with features like encryption technology. However, like any online platform, exercise caution. Avoid sharing personal information, and prioritise meeting in public places for first encounters.

Is Adult Friend Finder Worth the Money?

Not really but it depends on your goals. It boasts a large user base for casual encounters, but you’ll be playing the numbers game for a while and handing over some money.

Are There Fake Profiles on Adult Friend Finder?

As with most online dating sites, fake profiles can exist on AFF. Be cautious of users who seem too good to be true, avoid requests for money, and rely on common sense when interacting with potential matches.

Is Adult Friend Finder Discreet?

AFF prioritises user privacy, but keep in mind the overall openness regarding sexuality on the platform. Discretion ultimately relies on your communication style and the information you choose to share.

Alternatives to Adult Friend Finder?

The best alternatives for more open minded relationships would be;

  • Feeld - A sex positive app with an aim to connect every sexual orientation out there.

  • Benaughty - Bigger presence in the US but still has a strong UK user base

  • Grindr - Top of the gay male scene and still gaining traction in the UK.

Also an app like Ashley Madison caters to users seeking discreet connections, although its reputation has been impacted by past security breaches.

What is the Success Rate on Adult Friend Finder?

Low if you are a male looking for a female, although it depends on your definition. It boasts a big playing field for casual encounters, but success rates for finding hook-ups will depend on your persistence and how good your profile is.

Final Verdict

Nah, this isn’t the dream. That’s not to say that if you paid up and stuck it out for a while you couldn't meet someone for a shallow rendezvous, but be prepared to go through hundreds of bots, honeytraps, porn ads and simulated conversations too.



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